Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Zimmerman Case: Divide and Conquer

by Gerard Emershaw

The Zimmerman case has created a new racial divide among Americans. Actually, the government and media has used the case and its verdict to divide Americans among dubious racial lines in order to more easily “conquer” them.

For the most part, the verdict in the case is irrelevant. Zimmerman was tried and acquitted by a jury of his peers. End of story. The Zimmerman case was a local Florida criminal case and had absolutely no racial element. However, the corporatists in the dinosaur mainstream media and in the federal government did everything in their power to use the case as powerful propaganda to divide Americans among racial lines. Having White Americans and Black Americans at each other's throats is always good for the government and its corporate masters. As long as America is divided among racial, social, religious, and political lines, Americans will never unite against the crooked corporatists who pervert the Constitution and weaken the Republic. As long as Americans will allow this collectivists to collectivize them according to dubious racial categories, justice will never ultimately prevail.

The Zimmerman case never involved a racial issue. There is no evidence that George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin for racial reasons. For one thing, George Zimmerman is Hispanic. Where the corporatist media came up with the dubious category of “White Hispanic” is anyone's guess. There is no evidence that George Zimmerman is or was a racist. In fact, there is a good deal of evidence to indicate that George Zimmerman has historically had harmonious relationships with Blacks.

But this is not about reality. This is about perception. The corporatist mainstream media was desperate to make the Zimmerman case into a racial case. Maybe this was just to sensationalize the story in order to increase readership/viewership and maximize profits. Or maybe there was a more sinister reason.

The New York Times has led the way in calling Zimmerman a “White Hispanic.” This is odd given that like Zimmerman, President Obama is of mixed race. Why doesn't that make Obama a “White Black?” On March 27, 2012, NBC News shamelessly edited a 911 call in order to make it appear that Zimmerman was a racial profiler. The actual call contained the following exchange between George Zimmerman and the dispatcher:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about. Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.

The neo-progressive corporatist hacks at NBC News edited the tape in the following manner:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.

President Obama decided to inject his opinion into the situation. A sitting president giving commentary on a local criminal case is as inappropriate today as it was when Nixon decided to express his opinion on the Manson case. President Obama said:

You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. And when you think about why, in the African- American community at least, there's a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it's important to recognize that the African- American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that—that doesn't go away. There are very few African-American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they are shopping at a department store. And that includes me. There are very few African- American men who haven’t had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me, at least before I was a senator. There are very few African-Americans who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off.

President Obama has had the power to address problems in Black communities. He has had this power for over four years but has done nothing. Racism really does still exist in the United States. The War on Drugs is racist. The corporatist welfare state is racist. The Social Security System is racist. Unjustified racial profiling such as New York City's dubious and unconstitutional “stop and frisk” program is racist. What has the President done to address any of this? What has the President done to help the free market create jobs to help Black communities? Playing “the race card” where no racism is present only serves to divert attention away from actual racism.

If Eric Holder brings federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman, it will be further proof that the corporatist neo-progressive Obama administration wants to exploit the tragedy for political reasons.

All Americans face a grave danger of being tyrannized by the corporatist collectivist state. The NSA will spy on Americans regardless of race. The government will deprive Americans of their natural constitutional rights regardless of race. Corporatist corporations will exploit Americans regardless of race. Allowing the media and the government to further Balkanize the United States and turn collectivist tribe against collectivist tribe will only quicken the American descent into total tyranny. Benjamin Franklin said: “We must, indeed, hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” If Franklin was alive today, he would certainly employ this quote to Americans of different ethnic backgrounds.

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